about us

Taghdis Porcelain Company was founded in 2005 with the aim  of manufacturing a wide range of home and hotel hard Porcelain. Shortly after it became operational, the company managed to rank among the world’s leading manufacturing organizations through hiring a panel of domestic and foreign experts, using High Production Technology and world’s latest technical knowledge and improving its product quality. It is worth mentioning that Taghdis Company’s total production capacity is 9000 tons per year and more than 900 trained and experienced personnel are working in three working shifts per day.

Taghdis porcelain Co. Was founded in 2005 , it manufactures various types of ceramic goods. While maintaining the quality of its chinaware, the company has managed to enhance the variety of its products in short time period through hiring leading experts and managers as well as making proper and professional use of modern technology and fast-baking technique.
Taghdis manufacturing company has a commitment to quality and customer service and spares no effort in order to cater the requirements and expectations of its clients taking into account legal requirements, applicable and effective methods related to energy consumption and returns, environmental concerns, and intolerable risks. This company has implemented the Unified Management System [IMS] based on the above-mentioned principles and the following standards:
ISO 50001:2011& ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001:2004 & 18001:2007
Taghdis Porcelain Company has adopted the following rules as its main policy:
• Promotion of satisfaction amongst its customers and staff
• Qualitative and quantitative promotion of its products and services
• Promotion of the scientific and technical knowledge of its personnel based on IMS system
• Control and reduction of significant environmental repercussions in order to prevent ecological pollution
• Control and reduction of by-products of intolerable risks to avoid injuries and illnesses
• Propagation and dissemination of culture and principles of safety and environmental quality
• Implementation of energy management plans to improve energy performance